The to-do list for your garden this month. What to plant and what to pick in your flower, fruit and vegetable gardens.

- Control caterpillars by spraying Efekto Eco Insect Control, a natural bio-insecticide that is non-toxic to humans.
- Harvest pumpkins and leave them in an open sunny position to dry before storing.
- Prepare bulb beds by digging in old compost and some organic-based fertiliser such as Wonder Organic Vita-Boost.
- Prune hedge plants such as buxus, coast rosemary (westringia) and murrayas.
- Thicken up tired lawns with Wonder Plant Booster.
- Stop weeds from seeding by pulling them out, smotheringthem with mulch.
- Control white grub, which can eat entire lawns at this time of year, with Efekto Bexadust.
- Prune peaches, apples and other deciduous summer fruit trees after harvest.
- Dollar spot is a fungal disease that leaves small, even, round, brown patches. Treat with Efekto Lawn Fungicide 500EC.

Fruit garden
Apples, pears, grapes, guava, passion fruit, blueberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches, plums and walnuts.
Remove runners from strawberry plants and pot into potting soil, ready for planting out in the winter.

To-do list
- Keep the soil moist and water fruit trees during dry periods.
- Add Stockosorb to soil to help retain water.
- Birds will spot ripening grapes too – use Efekto Plant Protection Cover to protect your harvest.
- Bunches of grapes will begin to ripen; prune back excessive leaves to allow more sunlight into the crop.
- Once nectarines, peaches and plums have finished fruiting, prune to shape and to remove any dead or diseased branches.

Flower garden
Scabious, roses, dahlias, lilies, gladiolus, sweet peas, gypsophila, cosmos, zinnia, cleome, agapanthus and hydrangeas.
Violas, primula, pansies, ornamental kale, poppies, wildflowers, gazania and dianthus.
Autumn hanging baskets: gerbera, lobelia, ornamental kale, primula, violas, snapdragons, wildflowers and Sweet William.
- Apply Wondersol All Purpose to bulbs already in the ground.
- Apply a side dressing of Wonder 3:1:5 (26) SR fertiliser to shrub borders and flower gardens.
Whitefly are around, particularly if the weather is still very warm. Be vigilant and spray with Efekto Whitefly Insecticide as soon as they appear. Efekto Cypermethrin 200EC can be mixed with Efekto Whitefly Insecticide to control the nymphal stages of Whitefly only on ornamentals..

Vegetable garden
Beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, lettuces, parsley, radishes, rocket, spinach and coriander.
Feed established plants twice a month with Wondersol All Purpose. Some crops, like pumpkins and melons, can be fed every two weeks.
Mildew can be a problem on cucumbers, courgettes and marrows; spray with Efekto Eco Fungimite or Efekto Kumulus WG.
Beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, capsicums, cauliflowers, celery, chillies, courgettes, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce, marrows, peas, potatoes, sweetcorn and tomatoes.
Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto