Follow our guide on what fruits, veggies and flowers to plant, harvest and maintain in your garden in May.

- A pot filled with garden goodies makes a great Mother’s Day gift. Start with a Tuscan pot and fill it with your favourite Efekto and Wonder products.
- Give deciduous fruit trees a clean-up spray with Efekto Kumulus WG after their leaves fall.
- In cool climates, move cold-sensitive container plants into a more sheltered position.
- In cold areas, build structures that will support frost protection on plants that cannot be moved (such as wooden stakes wrapped with Efekto Plant Protection Cover).
- Collect fallen autumn leaves. They’re ideal for composting and using Wonder Compost Activator to get the compost heap
going. - This is the last-chance month for planting spring bulbs.
- Purchase new season’s roses early for the best selection. Prepare soil with Wonder Agricultural Lime and Wonder 2:3:2 (14) + C (8) SR Bio-Carbon Boost.
- Transplant runners (sideways-growing pieces with some roots) from couch, kikuyu or LM Berea grass lawns to fill bare patches.
- Protect emerging orchid flower spikes with a sprinkling of Efekto Snailban.
- Plant sweet peas in warm climates, as there’s still plenty of time.
- Prevent rats from eating newly sown seeds, young plants and seed heads by placing Supa-Kill, Efekto Storm and Ridak in tamperproof bait stations.

Fruit garden
Quince, apples, pears, rhubarb and passion fruit.

To-do list
- Collect and compost any rotting fruit from under fruit trees.
- Check harvested fruit to make sure nothing is rotting and remove fruit as soon as it starts to decay.
- Rot can spread throughout a whole harvest within a week or two.

Flower garden
Ornamental kale, dianthus, roses, poppies and statice.
Bellis, violas, primula, pansies, ornamental kale, poppies, wildflowers, gazania, dianthus and lupins.
- Cover up and apply Efekto Plant Protection Cover around delicate plants.
- Move tender plants in containers up against the house to provide protection from cold temperatures.
- Prune summer-flowering shrubs and trees that have finished flowering.
- Prune back summer-flowering perennials and bulbs that have finished flowering for the season to neaten up garden borders and beds.
- Lift and divide flowering perennials that have finished blooming.
- Lift dahlias and gladioli, and store in a dry, dark place over winter.
- Save and dry seeds of summer flowers for sowing in spring.
- Collect fallen leaves and add to the compost bin.

Vegetable garden
Broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, rocket, spinach, spring onions, coriander and parsley.
Beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, coriander, parsley, rosemary, sage and thyme.
Feed herbs and winter greens with Wonder 3:2:1 (28) SR or Wonder Organic Granular Fertiliser Vita-Boost + C (8).
Beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, courgettes, lettuces, marrows, parsnips, peas, pumpkins and tomatoes.
Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto