Follow our guide on what fruits, veggies and flowers to plant, harvest and maintain in your garden in November.

- Replace tired spring annuals with bright summer colour.
- Fertilise roses with a quality rose food like Wonder Colourburst Rose or Wonder Vitaliser Rose & Flower 8:1:5 (17) SR.
- Plant containers with colourful annuals for decorating summer entertaining areas.
- Lift bulbs after leaves have died down, dry and dust with Efekto Virikop and Efekto Bexadust, and store for next year.
- Drench azaleas with Efekto Plant Protector to protect from sucking insects or use Efekto Insecticide Granules Plus.
- Feed bananas and paw paws every two weeks with Wondersol All Purpose.
- Take cuttings of your favourite bougainvilleas.
- A fruitfly program using Efekto Eco Fruitfly Bait GF120. is essential for a good harvest. Infested fruit should be sealed in a plastic bag and left to ‘cook’ in the sun.
- Look out for thrips, tiny sap-sucking insects. They love to infest light- coloured flowers. Spray with Efekto Eco Insect Control SC or Efekto Eco Fungimite.
- Fertilise every plant in the garden with our Wonder range of fertilisers.
- Dig in Stockosorb water-retaining crystals when making new plantings.
- Control chafer beetles that munch on rose leaves with Efekto Karbaspray.
- Treat the lawn to kill off creeping sorrel, clover and other broad-leafed weeds with Efekto Hormoban APM or Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL. For smaller areas use Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.

Fruit garden
Strawberries will be ripening in the very warmest and sheltered of areas, and in colder areas pick the last of the citrus.
Passion fruit – just remember it needs something to climb up to support its tendrils.
- Protect apples and pears from codling moth by spraying with Efekto Cypermethrin 200EC.
- Spray with Efekto Malasol to control scale insects.

Flower garden
Roses, iris, delphiniums, larkspur, stock, snapdragons, lavender, chrysanthemums, gerbera, sweet peas and poppies.
- Cornflower, zinnias, alyssum, asters, begonias, chrysanthemums, Californian poppies, carnations, cosmos, dahlias, dianthus, gazanias, geraniums, gypsophila, impatiens, marigolds, petunias, nasturtiums, phlox, salvia, snapdragons, statice, sunflowers and verbena.
- Sow Mayford flower seed mixes, sprinkle seeds over weedfree areas and water in. Plants will appear within a few weeks.
- Apply Wonder Shake ‘N Grow Special Fertiliser to lilies and gladiolus to ensure good flower bud development for summer displays.
- Apply Wonder Vitaliser Rose & Flower 8:1:5 (17) SR to flower borders to give plants a much-needed boost for the upcoming season.
- Spray insects with either Efekto Malasol or Efekto Cypermethrin 200EC as soon as they appear.
- Spray roses with Efekto Rosecare 3 to control black spot, mildew and aphids.
Begin watering in dry areas, the best time being in the morning or early evening. Water the soil, not the plants. Incorporate compost and Stockosorb to help the soil hold on to more moisture.

Vegetable garden
Beans, beetroot, capsicums, carrots, celery, courgettes, cucumbers, eggplants, leeks, lettuces, radishes, rocket, Swiss chard, spinach, sweetcorn and tomatoes.
Keep an eye out for slugs, snails, caterpillars, aphids and whitefly. These unwelcome visitors can make a real mess of your vegetable garden and are best dealt with as soon as possible.
Asparagus, broad beans, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, lettuces, rocket, spinach and spring onions.
Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto