A coat of paint can give your home a new lease on life and Fired Earth Walls and Ceilings is a versatile product for most interior painting jobs.

Revitalise your home with Fired Earth paints
As we spend more time in our homes, the appearance of interior walls and ceilings can deteriorate without us noticing. However, there often comes a point when we suddenly realise that they need to be updated. Fortunately there’s a product that can be used to revive both surfaces and restore their former lustre.

Fired Earth Walls and Ceilings is a premium washable acrylic paint suitable for both interior and exterior surfaces, delivering a smooth matte finish. The standard white colour is formulated for a radiant white finish that adds elegance to any space but there are also subtle off-whites in the range that are perfect for bedrooms and other softer spaces.

Revitalise your home with Fired Earth paints
When repainting, start by prepping the wall: remove all old nails and screws, then, once dry, fill the holes with crack-filler before sanding it down. To avoid any mess, put down a drop sheet to catch any potential paint drips and make clean-up a breeze.

If the wall you are painting is currently a dark colour and you are changing to a lighter shade, it is always advisable to first apply a base coat. A single coat of white paint is enough and should then be followed with at least two coats of the desired final colour. Remember, using a quality paint such as those made by Fired Earth means fewer coats and a better finish.

Revitalise your home with Fired Earth paints
Applying the paint is a breeze – a roller will cover the majority of the wall, while a hand brush is ideal for the sides and edges. A painter extension pole can be helpful for reaching high points and creating seamless strokes. It is crucial to avoid painting from the top down and then the bottom up, as this can cause a visible overlap in the middle of the wall. Rather start from the top and finish at the bottom.
Revitalise your home with Fired Earth paints
As we said, if you’re changing the colour of a wall, we recommend applying two coats of paint for a smooth, even finish. Give the first coat at least four hours to dry before applying the second coat. If you are not changing the colour of a wall and are merely painting a fresh coat of white over an already white wall or ceiling, for example, one coat will be enough.

Another option is a feature wall of a second colour. In this case care needs to be taken at the corners so that a neat transition from one colour to the other is made.

Revitalise your home with Fired Earth paints
Thanks to the quick drying times of Fired Earth Walls and Ceilings, repainting a room is definitely doable in just one day, making this a time-effective DIY for the weekend. Everything you need for a home painting job, including the entire Fired Earth range, is stocked by Builders, both in-store and online at builders.co.za.
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