A simple three-legged cast-iron pot on top of an open flame, a potjie is the simmering heart of South African cooking. Folks, this isn’t just cooking – it’s a cultural experience!

Enjoying the legendary potjie

Over the years, potjie pots have become a big part of South African culture. What started out as a necessity for cooking has turned into a key player in social events and gatherings. If you’ve never owned a potjie, you’re probably wondering where to start. Believe it or not, potjie pots come in different sizes, but choosing the right size for your culinary needs is easier than you think.

So let’s meet the potjie and unlock its secrets! The Megamaster potjies come in three sizes: ¼, Number 3 and Number 4. These 3-legged potjie pots are the traditional ones that can be placed directly onto your coals.

Fire Pit Meets Braai

Instead of trying to remember the capacity in litres of a potjie and trying to convert that to the number of portions it can cook, there is a much easier way. The rings on the outside of the potjie pot are our portion guide! Multiply the number of rings by the pot number and you’ll know how many hungry mouths you can feed. For example, a Number 3 potjie with three rings can serve 9 people.

Enjoying the legendary potjie
Many people cook their potjies on an open braai stand, but another option is a potjie braai stand. This nifty gadget can take up to a size 4 potjie pot and it makes cooking a lot easier. When you use one, it allows you to provide direct heat to your potjie and makes the heat easier to control too, as the heat is contained within the sides, leading to less heat wastage. Pop your firelighter on the lower grill and add a few briquettes at a time. Start off with 8 – 10 briquettes and add more as needed. Another plus of the potjie braai stand is that it keeps the ash in one place, making cleaning your braai area a whole lot easier.
Fire Pit Meets Braai

Preparing your new potjie pot

If you’ve just bought your new potjie pot, you probably can’t wait to start cooking, but before you invite your mates, open a beer and add those ingredients, there’s a crucial first step: preparing your potjie pot.

These cast-iron pots arrive coated with protective wax or oil, which is great for shipping but terrible for eating. It needs to be removed to cook safely. Skipping this step could result in discoloured food, odd flavours and even potential illness.

This is how you prepare and season your new potjie pot the right way:
First, give the pot a good scrub with hot, soapy water and a scourer or steel wool. Let it dry completely. Coat the inside of the pot with oil. Place the pot on the fire or a gas burner and heat it until it starts to smoke. Cool it down and wipe it clean with a paper towel. Repeat if necessary until your paper towel comes away clean.

This is a bit of work and a delay in your socialising, but it’s worth it. Once cleaned, your new potjie pot will be ready to receive its first batch of ingredients.

With proper seasoning, your cast iron pot will be a trusted cooking companion, ready to create delicious meals for years.

Fire Pit Meets Braai

Caring for your potjie pot

How do you make your new potjie pot last? The secret: use it often and care for it properly. Yes, the more you cook, the better your pot becomes, as each use seasons the cast iron, filling tiny pores and gradually creating a natural non-stick surface. In fact, your pot will improve with age.

Treat your potjie pot with some proper TLC by giving it a good wash with hot soapy water after cooking. Now, here’s the crucial part: dry it thoroughly with a towel, then heat it briefly again to get rid of any remaining moisture. Don’t be tempted to drip dry the pot, because you need to remove any moisture as quickly as possible before it is absorbed into the metal.

Once cooled, give the pot a light coat of cooking oil before storing it in a dry spot. Placing some crumpled newspaper inside can help absorb humidity. If you notice a bit of rust, don’t stress — this happens! Just scrub the rust off with steel wool, fill the pot two-thirds full with water and bring it to the boil. Leave until all the water has evaporated. Let it cool, wash with warm, soapy water, dry thoroughly and re-season.

Remember, moisture is your potjie’s worst enemy. With proper care, your potjie will last for decades.

Enjoying the legendary potjie

Cooking tips for a perfect potjie

There’s nothing worse than when a delicious potjie that you’ve spent hours preparing and cooking ends up a burnt mess. Generally, the rule of thumb is to make sure your fire is small yet effective. The coals should preferably not be placed directly underneath the pot but rather on the outside of the potjie’s legs. You want the potjie simmering, not boiling.

If you’re looking for a new potjie pot, head over to Builders, whether in-store or online at builders.co.za. As well as potjie pots, Builders stocks all your vital braai supplies, from braais to potjie stands, charcoal, lighters and tongs.

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