“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Annual grasses
Description: Normally perennial, forming thick mats by means of stolons and rhizomes. The leaf blade is flattened with a sharp tip, and can be hairy or glabrous (hairless).
Location 1: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.

Grass in paving
Description: Normally perennial, forming thick mats by means of stolons and rhizomes. The stems (culms) take root at the lower nodes. The leaf blade is flattened with a sharp tip, and can be hairy or glabrous (hairless). The leaf sheath is round and glabrous; the ligule has a ring of hairs or a short membrane.
Location 1: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.

Bur clover
Description: An annual summer weed. Stems can be up to 60 cm long and tend to trail along the ground, but may grow upright. The trifoliate leaves resemble those of clover and usually have reddishtinged mid-veins. Small, bright yellow flowers form in clusters at the end of stems.
Protect with: Efekto Hormoban APM, Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL, Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.
Location: Paving/Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU, Efekto No Weed Lawn RTU.

Description: A perennial with trifoliate leaves, stems that root at the nodes, and white flowers. White clover is often planted in pasture and forage mixes, but also occurs as a weed in lawns, turf grass, landscapes, and orchards.
Location 1: Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto Hormoban APM, Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU, Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL.
Location 2: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.

Common dubbeltjie
Description: Blooms with small yellow flowers containing only five petals. Grows with multiple stems that spring out from one crown. The fruit appears a week after blooming and seeds are firm and stiff, with two sharp spines 10 mm long.
Location 1: Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto Banweed MCPA, Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL.
Location 2: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.
Preventative pre-emergence: Efekto Snapshot

Description: A showy daisy flower that is popular in gardens but tends to escape as a weed. Flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, solitary (one per stem) and red, white, pink or purple, all with prominent yellow centres. Leaves are very fine and fern-like.
Location 1: Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto Banweed MCPA, Efekto Hormoban APM, Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.
Location 2: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.
Preventative pre-emergence: Efekto Snapshot

Creeping sorrel
Description: A creeping perennial that is typically about 10 cm tall, although stems can grow up to 50 cm. The green or reddish stems are slender and hairy, and stems that trail on the ground will root at stem joints. Leaves consist of three heart-shaped leaflets with hairy undersides. One to five bright yellow, five-petalled flowers occur in clusters at the tips of the stalks.
Location 1: Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto Hormoban APM, Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL, Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.
Location 2: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Description: The dandelion has a thick, fleshy taproot, with many branched crowns and milky juice. Stem is very short and wholly underground, producing leaves at the ground surface. Flower heads are golden-yellow and 2.5-5 cm in diameter, with yellow ray flowers, borne on a long, hollow stalk.
Location 1: Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto Hormoban APM, Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL, Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.
Location 2: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.
Preventative pre-emergence: Efekto Snapshot

Khaki weed
Description: Prostrate herb with perennial root system and annual above-ground growth. Taproot often large and woody. Stems silky hairy.
Location 1: Lawns.
Protect with: Efekto Banweed MCPA, Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL, Efekto Hormoban APM, Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.
Location 2: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.
Preventative pre-emergence: Efekto Snapshot

Onion weed
Description: Grass-like perennial to 60cm, with a strong garlic smell. Bulbs have 10-15 mm diameter, with offset bulbs. Leaves are 2-5 cm, linear, fleshy, keeled, 20-60 cm long, with white papery sheaths. Usually die back in late spring. Flower stalk three-sided, 20-60 cm high, fleshy, soft, sheathed by leaves at base. Flowers bell-shaped, 10-15 mm long, five petalled, white with green stripe on petals.
Location 1: Paving.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.

Winter grass
Description: A bright, light green grass with fine leaves that infests lawns throughout winter. Apart from the unsightly appearance, it will continue to spread and cause damage to a lawn for as long as it remains untreated. Even when the winter grass is not evident most of the year, its root system continues to deprive lawns of space to set down its own roots, causing the lawn to continue to be nutrient-deficient and unhealthy.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.

Yellow nutsedge
Description: Distinctive and relatively easy to identify – stems are erect, triangular-shaped and yellow-green in colour. The leaves are also yellow-green, wide 1.25 cm bladed with a thick mid-vein and a very waxy covering. The shallow, fibrous root system often produces many nut-like tubers, which are underground food storage organs. Each of these tubers can germinate and produce new plants.
Protect with: Efekto No-Weed Paving RTU.
Invader Plants

American bramble
Description: A perennial shrub with slender stems. Leaves have three leaflets with two margins, flowers are white or rarely pink, fruits have 40-50 tightly packed parts going from green to pink to black, and are succulent when ripe.
Location: Garden.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Black wattle
Description: Trees flower into a mass of yellow, replaced with seed pods that fall to the ground. On the ground the black wattle seeds from previous years (up to 50 years) form a thick mulch awaiting a fire, when they will germinate en masse, after which bare ground will transform into a grass-like carpet of black wattle seedlings. The black wattle seedlings grow rapidly upwards, competing for light and resulting in long, straight wattle sticks.
Location 1: Gardens.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Description: A spindly tree, growing up to 8 m tall. It’s a hairy plant with oval leaves, much like tobacco leaves in appearance. They have a strong smell when bruised. Produces small purple flowers at the end of stalks. Flowers all year. Round yellow fruits, each containing about 100-250 seeds, are produced.
Location 1: Gardens.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Description: A perennial shrub that grows up to 1.8 m, or more, in height. Leaves are ovate in shape, with multi-coloured flowers clustered at the tip of stems, with tiny 5 mm fruit. Extremely prolific seed producer with approximately 12 000 fruits per flower.
Location 1: Gardens.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Port Jackson willow
Description: A small, dense, spreading tree with a short trunk and a weeping habit. Grows up to 8 m tall. Yellow flowers appear in early spring and late winter, in groups of up to 10 bright yellow spherical flower heads. Fruit is a legume, while seed is oblong and dark to black in colour.
Location: Gardens.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Description: Fast-growing tree with typical adult height of 3-5 m. Leaves are regular and rounded; flowers white and large. Fruits look like flat, long and thin green beans. Tree thrives under full exposure to sunshine and is extremely frost sensitive.
Location 1: Gardens.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Silver wattle
Description: Fast-growing, evergreen tree or shrub, growing up to 30 m tall. Leaves are bipinnate, glaucous blue-green to silvery grey, 1-12 cm (occasionally to 17 cm). Fruit is a flattened pod 2-11.5 cm long and 6-14 mm broad, containing several seeds. Trees generally don’t live longer than 30-40 years.
Location 1: Gardens.
Protect with: Efekto Garlon 4.

Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto