Giving young children a safe place to learn.

How do you learn when your tummy is rumbling and the roof is leaking? It is a tough ask for many children in struggling communities, where access to basic resources and a safe learning infrastructure has been far out of reach. Now thanks to a much needed funds boost (to the tune of R800 000) in the first quarter of 2022, more young learners will enjoy safe places to play and learn.
Joining forces with Breadline Africa to help improve access to education, Builders together with MySchool have focused their efforts on the Eastern Cape –delivering 3 classrooms, 3 offices, 3 kitchens, 5 pour flush toilets, 2 water tanks, 3 handwashing stations and3 classroom library units (with story books). United in the belief that every child has the potential to do something amazing with their life, these funds have transformed 8 preschools into full centers with classrooms and toilets.
Through the provision of the additional facilities, this project has made it possible for the children at Notha Pre-school, Solomzi Pre-school and Wonder and Joy Pre-school to be grouped according to age and for age-appropriate teaching to now happen in suitably equipped classrooms that are conducive to early learning.
The additional classroom space also allows for educational resources and materials –like games, puzzles, books and theme tables –to be permanently displayed and available to children.
Long-term, the impact of this infrastructural support is hugely important as the facilities provided through this project are an important step towards government registration and long-term sustainability of these centres.