Follow our guide on what fruits, veggies and flowers to plant, harvest and maintain in your garden in September.

- Feed azaleas as they finish blooming with Wonder Colourburst Azalea.
- Water Indoor plants – they need more regular watering as the weather gets warmer. When watering, check for mealy bug. Treat infestations with Efekto Plant Protector.
- Continue watering bulbs that have finished flowering with Wondersol All Purpose, until leaves die down completely.
- Plant trees to bring birds into the garden.
- Prune spring-flowering shrubs as soon as their flowering has finished.
- Feed all established fruit trees with Wonder 3:1:5 (26) SR.
- Spray hibiscus with Efekto Karbaspray to control hibiscus beetle.
- Use a garden fork to aerate the lawn (pushing and pulling the fork in and out of the soil) then follow up by feeding with a quality lawn fertiliser like Wonder Vitaliser Lawn & Leaf Bio-Carbon Green Boost 7:1:3 (15) + C (8) SR.
- Aphids build up quickly on new rose shoots. Control with Efekto Plant Protector.
- If weeds are a problem in large lawn areas treat with Efekto Banweed MCPA, Efekto Hormoban APM or Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL. For smaller areas use Efekto No-Weed Lawn RTU.
- For white grubs, apply Efekto Bexadust.
- September is the most important month for feeding lawns. A fastgreening fertiliser, like Wonder Vitaliser Lawn & Leaf Bio-Carbon Green Boost 7:1:3 (15) + C (8) SR , will encourage healthy growth.
- Powdery mildew flourishes in spring. Apply one of the effective fungicides such as Efekto Eco Fungimite, Efekto Funginex or Efekto Kumulus WG. Efekto Rosecare 3 RTU and the concentrate Efekto Rose Care 3 will help to control powdery mildew on flowers and ornamentals.

Fruit garden
Avocados, persimmons. Finish picking the last of the citrus crops – lemons, limes, mandarins and kumquats are all ripe and ready for harvest.
All deciduous fruit trees can be planted from July – September while the plants are still dormant. The widest selection will be available in garden stores and nurseries now.
- It’s berry planting time – plant strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, boysenberries, blackberries. Strawberries, blueberries and gooseberries are also happy to grow in pots and containers.
- To ensure a good crop, prepare beds by working soil over with a fork, and add a blend of Wonder 2:3:2 (14) + C (8) SR Bio-Carbon Boost prior to planting.

To-do list
Spray stone fruit trees with Efekto Virikop to protect from leaf curl disease, by means of a once off application after pruning.
- Continue to prune to promote new growth.
- Prune apples, pears and apricots. Peaches, plums and almonds should be pruned in summer rather than now, to limit their spread.
- In mild areas where frost is not an issue, it’s time to prune back citrus after harvest. Prune to open up the framework of the plant to allow more light into the centre of the plant.
- An application of Seagro every two weeks will keep your fruit trees thriving – this seaweed-based plant tonic promotes strong root growth and increases fruiting and flowering capacity.
- Fertilise with Wonder 3:1:5 (26) SR around the drip line after pruning.

Flower garden
Camellias, Daphne, daffodils, tulips, lavender, poppies, orchids, stock, aquilegia and azaleas.
Alyssum, asters, begonias, chrysanthemums, Californian poppies, carnations, cosmos, dahlias, dianthus, gazanias, gypsophila, impatiens, marigold, petunias, nasturtiums, phlox, salvia, snapdragons, statice, sunflowers and verbena.
- An application of Wonder Kelp every two weeks will keep your flowers thriving – this seaweed- based plant tonic promotes strong root growth, reduces transplant shock, improves germination rates and increases flowering capacity.
- Apply Wonder Colourburst Rose to flower borders and pots and containers to give plants a much-needed boost for the upcoming season.
- Spray insects with Efekto Cypermethrin 200EC or Efekto Malasol as soon as they appear.
- Spray with Efekto Rosecare 3 to control black spot, mildew and aphids.
- Lay Efekto Snailban every few weeks to keep slugs and snails at bay.
- Prune back camellias as soon as they finish flowering.
- Plant hanging baskets with summer colour now in mild areas, and blend in herbs or strawberries for some edible options. Add Wonder Vitaliser Rose & Flower 8:1:5 (17) SR to rose beds, this will give them a welcome boost for the upcoming season.

Vegetable garden
Beans, capsicums, courgettes, cucumbers, eggplants, sweetcorn, tomatoes, basil, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, lettuces, radishes, rocket, spinach and Swiss chard.
An application of Wonder Kelp every two weeks will keep your garden thriving – this seaweed-based plant tonic promotes strong root growth, reduces transplant shock, improves germination rates, and increases flowering and fruiting capacity.
Broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, kale, leeks, early season lettuces, parsnips, rocket, Swiss chard, spinach and spring onions.
Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto