Want to paint like a pro? Get a handle on how to use the Rust-Oleum Comfort Grip. Two-finger trigger control to minimise fatigue and guarantee greater, smoother more professional spray paint projects.

Create the look
What you’ll need:
- Selection of bottles
- Drop sheet
- Lacquer Thinners
- Comfort Grip
- Stops Rust Bright Coat Gloss Chrome
Before you start painting, make sure you protect your work area with a drop cloth. Remove any labels and glue from the bottles using lacquer thinners. Wash your bottles in soapy water and rinse well before drying with a soft cloth. Remove the lid from your can of Bulls Eye 1-2-3 primer, pinch the levers to open the grip casing and fasten over the top of the can nozzle. It fits over the old and newer nozzles that are bigger and broader in size.

Top Tip
Before your start painting – check that you have inserted the can with the nozzle facing outwards to avoid spraying backwards into the Comfort Grip. Use one or two fingers on the trigger – what ever’s most comfortable.
Shake the Bright Coat Metallic spray paint, can for 1 minute after you hear the mixing ball begin to rattle. Hold the can upright, 30cm from the surface, and pull the large soft touch Comfort Grip trigger and begin to lightly spray the bottles. Easy to aim and to control – using slow, steady hand motions to avoid runs, slightly overlapping each stroke. Simply release the trigger when you are ready to stop.
Leave your bottles to cure before applying the second and final coat within an hour or after 48 hours. The Comfort Grip safety lock prevents paint from spraying unexpectedly and its durable construction withstands repetitive use.