- Prune and tidy daylilies, daisies, lavender, phlox and other perennials that have finished flowering.
- Remove pre-chilled bulbs from the fridge and plant into pots or garden beds.
- Plant the rest of your spring-flowering bulbs.
- Select and plant trees for autumn colour while you can see them at their best.
- Feed established evergreen shrubs and trees with Wonder Organic Granular Fertiliser Vita-Boost + C (8) or Wonder LAN + C (8) Bio-Carbon enriched fertiliser.
- Mix some compost and Wonder 2:3:2 (14) + C (8) SR Bio-Carbon Boost into the soil to prepare it for new roses. If soil is acidic, mix in some Wonder Agricultural Lime to correct pH levels.
- Feed lawns with a good-quality lawn food such as Wonder Organic Granular Fertiliser Vita-Boost + C (8) or Wonder Vitaliser Lawn & Leaf Bio-Carbon Green Boost 7:1:3 (15) + C (8) SR and Leaf Water well to carry the fertiliser down to the roots.
- Cut back geraniums with spotty, diseased leaves. Spray with Efekto Rosecare 3.
- Where soils are heavy, treat with Wonder Agricultural Lime. Mixing in some organic matter will also help restore soil structure.
- Spray annual weeds with Efekto Hormoban APM or Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL before they go to seed. Where there is a lot of weed seed use Efekto Snapshot, as it prevents seeds germinating for up to six months. Do not use Efekto Snapshot where seeds are being sown as they will not germinate.

Fruit garden
Grapes, apples, guava, pears, walnuts, passion fruit and late cultivar peaches.

To-do list
Spray with Efekto Aphicide as aphids may be about.
Once nectarines, peaches and plums have finished fruiting, prune to shape and to remove any dead or diseased / infected branches.

Flower garden
Scabious, poppies, statice, roses, dahlias, lilies, sweet peas, gypsophila, cosmos, zinnia, agapanthus and hydrangeas.
Bellis, violas, primula, pansies, ornamental kale, poppies, wildflowers, gazania and dianthus.

Vegetable garden
Broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, lettuces, radishes, rocket, spinach, coriander and parsley.
Beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, spring onions, coriander, parsley, rosemary, sage and thyme.
Feed established plants twice a month with Seagro.
Beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, capsicums, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, chillies, courgettes, cucumbers, lettuces, marrows, peas, potatoes, sweetcorn and tomatoes.
Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto