Keep your plastic patio furniture looking good for years.

Patio furniture care plastic
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to clean up your patio furniture so you can enjoy your outdoor space comfortably. For days around the pool or when having friends over for a braai, the last thing you want is for your guests to be greeted by dirty furniture.

As far as patio furniture goes, plastic is usually the most affordable option and it has a number of other benefits too. It’s lightweight and easy to move around. Plastic chairs are often stackable for easy storage and plastic furniture is impervious to water, unlike that of wood. A disadvantage of plastic, however, is that it is not UV stable. And if left in the sun will, over time, become brittle and need to be replaced.

Patio furniture care plastic
Chairs that are stacked but not covered are real dust traps. Usually these just need a hosing off and a clean with a mild solution of all-purpose cleaner and water. Use a soft cloth or soft scrubbing brush, as scourer-type cleaners can scratch the plastic and these scratches attract even more dirt making cleaning harder and necessary more often. If the furniture has a patterns stamped into it, cleaning might need more work but even this can be achieved with a soft brush.
Patio furniture care plastic

You’ve probably noticed that the bottom of plastic chair attracts every spider and gecko in the area. Because the furniture is plastic, these can be hosed or pressure-cleaned away without damaging the furniture. If you don’t have a pressure cleaner, a scrub with a soft brush can again be the answer.

Patio furniture care plastic
When packing your furniture away, use an all-weather cover to keep it clean and protected from the elements, especially if you don’t use it often. Covers are available in a variety of sizes and designs so you’re bound to find the right product for your furniture. We recommend storing the furniture, even with a cover on it, under a roof to prolong the lifespan of the furniture and the cover.

Plastic may be affordable, but that doesn’t mean it looks cheap. There are some very stylish options available that will work with your décor and your lifestyle to personalise your patio. Builders has a wide variety of plastic furniture, covers and furnishings available, both in-store and online at

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