Lively bold colours inject plenty of personality into this cheerful Port Elizabeth home.

Blue Chest
Ian made this chest and painted it with Dulux Waterbased Enamel in the colour Royal Regatta – it resembles an old-fashioned flour chest but it’s made of wood. It provides storage space for plastic bags and bird food.

Kitchen Update
Lizé-Marie and Ian used Dulux Luxurious Silk behind the sink and stove as it’s easier to keep clean. The couple updated the drab original kitchen: they painted the white pine cupboards a light grey (Dulux Celestial Cloud 6).

Holiday Vibes
“We wanted to create a holiday vibe in the kitchen,” says the couple. They chose a shade of blue that reminds them of the sea and clear skies for the walls: Dulux PVA in the colour Azure Sky 2.

The Hallway
Lizé-Marie and Ian wanted to make a statement in this welcoming area. The walls were painted with ordinary PVA in various shades of Dulux Mercury Shower. “The hallway had to showcase our passion for art as well as some of the old grandeur of the house,” says Lizé-Marie. The artworks were all painted by local artists and the sewing table comes from Lizé-Marie’s grandfather’s farm.

The Living Room
The living room was originally grey and white but an old Dulux colour brochure inspired Lizé-Marie to try a stately dark grey and green on the walls. “We wanted the space to look like an old English study because we have lots of books and love reading,” she says. The picture rail was also painted grey because the walls already featured two colours and Lizé-Marie didn’t want to add a third shade. The skirting is a lighter, muted grey (Dulux Antique Sterling) but the dark wooden window frames were left as is. The wooden floors were also not painted. “We wanted to retain the authentic feel of the house,” explains Lizé-Marie. “In addition, the floors echo the wooden elements in our furniture.”

As you enter the front door, you’re greeted by three brightly-coloured statuettes framed by a graceful arch typical of Victorian homes. The double skirting, probably a way of keeping damp in check, was already in existence when the couple bought the house. “We love it,” says Lizé-Marie. “It’s very dramatic.”

Dining Area
Modo Chalkboard Paint was applied to one of the walls for a playful look in the dining area. A cheeky wooden box painted in Dulux Azure Sky is the final resting place for empty wine bottles destined for the recycling heap.
“Friends usually gravitate towards this table because it’s the hub of our home. This space leads out onto the deck and braai. “– Lizé-Marie

Beautiful Boudoir
Ian and Lizé-Marie wanted to create an atmosphere reminiscent of an old Victorian boudoir in the main bedroom. “In old palaces like Versailles, the bedrooms were often resplendent in shades of rich burgundy or green – ” that’s exactly what we wanted but without all the gold that they had,” says Lizé-Marie with a chuckle. Green was the logical choice as the fireplace in the room still boasts the original green tiles. Lizé-Marie says it wasn’t difficult to choose the perfect shade: Dulux Victorian Sage.

Lizé Marie’s painting tips
- The Dulux Visualizer app is fantastic! It’s especially helpful when deciding between two colours, or if you need to add a second shade to your main colour.
- Don’t be limited to just one theme throughout your home; you could use a single colour on your skirting boards to tie all the rooms together.
- It’s not necessary to add white to your paint to make it lighter; simply choose the lightest shade on the colour chart. Go to the paint store and check out the colour cards – this will make it easier to choose.
- Keep your paintbrushes ‘wet’ by wrapping them in cling film while you take a coffee break.
- Place a strip of foil over the rim of the tin when you pour out the paint to prevent it from becoming clogged with paint.
- Don’t be put off if, for example, you see a colour you like used specifically in a bedroom for a magazine shoot. Think big – it will probably also look amazing in a dining room!

The exterior of the house was originally a mustard yellow but now boasts a coat of Niagara Blues 3 in Dulux Weatherguard.
Referenced from Gallo images / Home Magazine