Trying to make your bathroom look fabulous on a budget? Follow these easy projects to update the look of your bathroom!

Project 1 – Replace old silicone above your basin or bath
Step 1
Remove the old silicone with a Stanley knife. Cut on both sides – against the tiles and against the basin. Peel off as much of the old silicone as you can. Brush off all the loose pieces with a paintbrush or blow out the groove with a hair dryer. A silicone remover such as Bostik Silicone Stripper will simplify the job.
Step 2
Stick masking tape along the edge of the tiles and basin. Cut off the tip of the silicone tube at a 45° angle so that the hole is about the size of a pencil. Use a caulking gun to apply the silicone evenly between the masking tape – try to apply consistent pressure all along the groove so that the silicone is uniform.
Step 3
Rub your index finger along the silicone to make it smooth. The secret is not to delay doing this, as the filler creates a hard outer layer within moments. Tip Dip your finger in ordinary dishwashing liquid before you wipe the silicone – this will ensure that your finger doesn’t stick to the silicone.
Step 4
Remove the masking tape as soon as possible. Pull it off at a 45° angle from the new silicone strip to ensure a neat seal.
Project 2 – Replace Old Grout
Step 1
Use an awl or buy a grout remover at your local hardware store to scrape out all the loose and broken grout from between the tiles. Keep a firm grip on the awl so you don’t slip by accident and scratch the tiles, or chip them.
Step 2
Brush all the dust from the cleaned grooves between the tiles. Mix the new grout in a small bucket with water until it’s a thick paste. Use a wooden spoon to get rid of the lumps. If you’re replacing the grout in a place where there’s water – such as your shower floor – add a waterproofing agent to the mixture.
Step 3
As soon as the mixture has the right consistency, you can use a spatula to spread the grout into the grooves. Press the grout firmly into all the connecting grooves by moving the spatula back and forth over the tiles.
Step 4
Use a moist sponge to wash any grout from the tiles. Rinse the sponge often to keep it clean. Use a bucket of water that you can later throw into the outside drain as grout will block a basin quite quickly. Wait a few hours until the grout is completely dry. Remove any excess grout from the tiles with Tylon tile cleaner.Credits
Referenced from Gallo images / home décor basics 2017