Once you’ve prepped your wall – cleaned, masked, filled, sanded and primed – it’s time to paint.

You will need:

  • Paint stirrer
  • Small touch-up paintbrush
  • Paint roller and tray
  • Undercoat
  • Paintbrush and pail
  • Interior paint
  • Fired Earth Ultimate
  • Ladder and extension pole
  • Bucket for cleaning
  • Painter’s tape

Step 1

Even though you’ve masked with tape, you still need to cut in. Using a 50mm brush and long consistent strokes, paint along ceilings and skirting boards, windows and doors. This will ensure that you have a buffer strip between the wall and the skirting when you start using the paint roller. Remember not to put the whole brush into the tin, only the tip.

Step 2

Using a paintbrush, cut in the door and window frames, any fittings, skirting and the ceiling with your topcoat. Wrap the brush in cling wrap to prevent it from drying out before the next cutting-in session.

Step 3

In order to reach the ceiling, insert a broomstick into the handle of your paint roller. If you use a paint roller, ensure a seamless application and to smooth out any edges, apply the paint in a W pattern with sweeping back and forth movements. Roller your wall from right to left (the reverse if you are left handed) as you are less likely to accidentally touch and mess up an area you’ve already painted with your hand or elbow. If you are done and the paint looks patchy, don’t panic, as this could be the particular paint’s drying pattern.

Top Tip: Fix a dry paint drip by sanding it smooth, wiping it with a damp cloth and touching up.

Step 4

Allow each coat to dry before applying another coat. Two coats should be sufficient for a good finish, but if you’re painting a light colour over a dark one, more might be necessary.

Step 5

Shine a strong light onto the wall to show up any missed or light spots.

Step 6

Remove masking. If the paint starts to lift, lightly score along the edge of the tape before continuing. Touch up where paint was pulled off.

Handy Hint: Insert the handle of your roller through a tinfoil or paper plate to stop paint dripping and flicking onto your head when painting above it.

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