Collect empty glass jars – they have oodles of upcycling potential, and make pretty lanterns.

Materials you will need:
- Glass jar
- Rope
- Scissors
- Glue gun
- Candle
- Quartz pebbles

Step 1
Use hot glue to stick the rope to the jar on either side. Cut the rope long enough to make a long handle and wrap around the top of the jar a few times. Put hot glue on the one side of the jar at the top edge and stick the rope down.

Step 2
Make a long loop and stick the rope down on the either side of the jar’s edge to make a handle. Fold the rope to one side and start gluing it down with the hot glue, work in small sections so that the glue doesn’t harden before sticking the rope down.

Step 3
Repeat wrapping and gluing the rope until it covers the top edge of the jar. Cut the end of the rope to finish it off and stick it down. Add a blob of glue to the end of the rope to prevent it from fraying.

Step 4
Put a candle at the bottom of the jar and surround it with pebbles. The pebbles will hold the candle upright.
Nice idea: Instead of candles, plant succulents in the jars – just add soil, plant and then a layer of pebbles on top of the soil to finish it off.