Welding is a great skill that can expand your DIY horizon. We made a steel and wood coffee table and you can too.

For this job we used a Disston 140 AMP inverter welder that only weights 3.2 kgs. It’s extremely portable and is more than suitable for stick-welding jobs although, with the right accessories, it can also be used for tungsten inert gas welding, commonly known as TIG welding.

Stick welding involves melting the welding rod or stick and forming a molten pool of steel that melts the workpieces to create the welded joint. However, achieving a strong welded joint requires precision and skill; moving too fast while welding can result in a weak joint as the workpiece steel does not melt enough. On the other hand, moving too slowly can cause the workpiece steel to melt too much and create a hole, also resulting in a weak welded joint. Practice and patience are key to mastering this technique.

For our project we started by cutting 50 mm x 50 mm x 3 mm square steel tubing into eight pieces of 600 mm each and two of 300 mm each. We used a chop saw for this, as it gives a more accurate cut than an angle grinder.
We then welded two 600 mm x 600 mm square frames from the steel tubing. To hold pieces of metal together while we welded, we used a welding magnet. This useful little tool can hold metal accurately at 90° or 45° angles and is impervious to the heat of welding.

When finished welding the two squares, we then joined them together with 300 mm lengths of square tube on opposite corners. Finally, we welded two strips of 25 mm angle iron to the metal structure, which will support the wooden boards.

The two wooden boards we cut to size (600 mm x 600 mm x 25 mm) and sanded before sealing them with three coats of Woodoc 30, a clear solvent-based polywax sealant. We then popped the boards into the framework and we were done.
Welding is a skill that can be learned by anyone who has the desire to do so. While it may seem daunting at first, the best way to improve your skills is through practice and the guidance of someone with experience. Fortunately, if you’re looking to get into welding, Builders has everything you need to get started, from welders to PPE, steel and everything in between, both in-store and online at builders.co.za.