Follow our guide on what fruits, veggies and flowers to plant, harvest and maintain in your garden in June.

- Give Dad a great plant for Father’s Day or an Efekto hamper.
- Plant new roses with some Wonder 2:3:2 (14) + C (8) SR Bio-Carbon-Boost. A thick layer of straw around the base will protect the young stems in cold areas.
- Prune hydrangeas and take cuttings to grow new plants. Only cut back those stems that flowered last season and feed with Wonder Shake ‘N Grow Pink/ Blue Hydrangea.
- As azalea buds show colour, begin spraying with Efekto Virikop. This protects against the fungal diseases, early and late blight. Feed them with Wonder Colourburst Azalea.
- Feed winter vegetables with Wondersol All Purpose or Wonder LAN + C (8) Bio Carbon enriched fertiliser to keep them growing well.
- Before the sun reaches their leaves in the morning, cover frost-sensitive plants with Efekto Plant Protection Cover as this will prevent frost burn.
- Reduce watering of indoor plants in winter. Most plants come from warm climates, so adjust water to room temperature before you begin.
- Get rid of lawn weeds with a selective weed killer such as Efekto Hormoban APM or Efekto Turfweeder 457,5 SL. Choose Efekto Banweed MCPA for Buffalo Lawns.
- Split up established daylilies and spread to other parts of the garden.
- Sprinkle Efekto Snailban among clumps of foliage to protect young plants from snails and slugs.

Fruit garden
Apples, pears, lemons, limes, mandarins, oranges and kumquats.
Strawberries can be planted now – research shows that planting strawberries in winter rainfall areas will produce a higher yield in summer. The delicate flowers can’t handle really frosty conditions, so in frost-prone areas it is best to protect plants from the elements or wait until a little later to plant.
- Collect and compost any rotting fruit from under fruit trees.
- Check harvested fruit to make sure nothing is rotting, remove fruit as soon as it starts to decay.
- Rot can spread throughout a whole harvest within a week or two.

Flower garden
Camellias, winter roses, dianthus, violets, snapdragons and ornamental kale.
Poppies, sweet peas, wildflowers, calendula, violas and pansies.
- Apply Shake ‘N Grow Special Fertiliser to pots and planters.
- Apply a side dressing of Wonder 3:1:5 (26) SR to polyanthus and primula to prolong the flowering periods, particularly if heavy rains may have leached away valuable soil nutrients.
- Spray with Efekto Rosecare 3 to combat common diseases and insects on your roses.
- Put Efekto Plant Protection Cover around delicate plants.
- Conifer aphids are about, so control with Efekto Plant Protector or Efekto Insecticide Granules Plus.
- Deadhead or pinch out old flowers of snapdragons, stocks and pansies to encourage a new flush of flowers.
- Begin pruning in mild areas, and hold off pruning in cold areas until July or August.
- Lift and divide perennials such as dahlias and delphiniums.

Vegetable garden
Broad beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, garlic, lettuces, radishes, rocket, onions, spinach, coriander and parsley.
Blend Wonder Organic Granular Fertiliser Vita-Boost + C (8) into garden beds prior to planting garlic and onions.
Referenced from Efekto , Green Fingers : Your gardening and product guide from Efekto