The National Lottery Operator, ITHUBA is pleased to announce that the R30 Million LOTTO jackpot winner has finally come forward to claim his winnings, from the draw that took place on Wednesday 14 April 2021.
The winning ticket was purchased at Builders Express in Midwater Centre Aerorand, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. The winner spent R80 on the winning ticket using a manual selection method.
The winner told ITHUBA that as an entrepreneur, he’s always on the move looking for the next big opportunity and he was so busy that he had forgotten to check his LOTTO ticket.
Speaking to the National Operator, ITHUBA, the excited 73-year old winner said, “I’m over the moon, I want to enjoy my winnings with my family and close friends. My family and I have a lovely home and my wife recently purchased a new car, the winnings will go towards paying off all my debts and providing financial support to my extended family. A huge portion of my winnings will go towards uplifting my community, I want to donate money to schools in the rural areas and in townships of Mpumalanga to afford the youth better education opportunities”, said the lucky winner.
The CEO of ITHUBA, Charmaine Mabuza “Congratulations to our LOTTO jackpot winner, we are extremely happy that we have produced yet another Multi-Millionaire this year. This money could not have gone to a more deserving winner. We are excited to see many of our players opting to play the National Lottery at the different authorized National Lottery retailers. Our players come from all walks of life and are spread out across all provinces. This is precisely what ITHUBA set out to do when we were granted the Third license to operate the National Lottery in 2015, increase the National Lottery footprint and make it accessible so that all South Africans have an equal opportunity to win life-changing jackpots”, said Mabuza
Trevor Perumal, Vice President, Commercial at Builders, “This is an incredible milestone for Builders Warehouse, we are excited for the big jackpot winner that played Lotto in our Middleburg store. Our purpose is to provide our customers with solutions that save them time, money and help them live better. The availability of the National Lottery amongst the other services we offer in our stores, is a true embodiment of that purpose. We look forward to working together with ITHUBA to surprise and delight more of our customers”.
“I’m not a big spender, despite my new millionaire status I’m not planning on making any drastic changes to my life added winner”, added the winner.
Winners of R50 000 and more receive extensive financial advice as well as trauma counselling from qualified psychologists, to help them deal with their new financial circumstances. These advisory services come at no cost to the winner.
On the other hand one or more lucky players have a chance to become our next Multi-Millionaire, with the total value of estimated PowerBall jackpots at R83 Million, for Tuesday 15 June 2021 draw. With the PowerBall jackpot estimated at a whopping R61 Million and the PowerBall Plus estimated jackpot at a massive R22 Million.
Buy your ticket now!
All national lottery winnings are tax free.
ITHUBA is the proud operator of the National Lottery.
Ithuba Holdings Proprietary “(RF), is the official operator of the National Lottery in South Africa. Since taking over the operation of the national lottery in 2015, Ithuba has been living up to their objective to reinvigorate the National Lottery through optimising the consumer experience, restoring faith and trust in the National Lottery; and showcasing its positive social contribution to society. Ithuba, proudly rooted in South Africa, is intent on contributing positively and actively to socio-economic development by producing as many millionaires as possible, as well as uplifting communities through various initiatives.
Ithuba is determined to uphold the ethical and efficient operation of the National Lottery, setting the benchmark for Lottery operations in South Africa and beyond.
- For more information visit us at https://www.nationallottery.co.za/
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- For media enquiries please contact: Nomakhosi Mbatha on NomakhosiM@ithubalottery.co.za; 061 258 2723