Getting ready to celebrate Heritage Day? We’ve put together some advice from our awesome customers on what and what not to do when firing it up this weekend with your friends and family.
- ALWAYS have fun. – Tiaan
- Arrive early to help set-up the braai. – Chait
- If you’re invited, be courteous and bring along some drinks or snacks. – Tasneem
- Do prepare in advance. There’s nothing worse than starting the fire and you’re looking for firelighters. – Natasha
- Always marinate your meat the night before. – Selanie
- Cleaning up is always faster when everyone helps. – Tinswalo
- Buy good quality meat and enough to share (if it’s a bring and braai). – Mpho
- A separate grid should be provided for Vegetarian and Halaal guests. Respect all guests. – Selona
- Make sure your fire is not too HOT when placing your meat on. – Zulpha
- Use paper plates and cups to make it easier. – Fahmeeda
- Marinate the meat the night before. – Bongiwe
- Keep the braai master company. – Brandon

- Don’t tell the braai master how to braai or insult his braai skills. – Tennielle
- If you enjoy the braai masters grills, DON’T ask for a marinade recipe. There are some secrets best left with the owner. – Queen
- Rome wasn’t build in a day so don’t rush the braaimaster. – Unathi
- Don’t over spice the meat. – Clara
- Do not overcook or under cook your meat. – Diane
- Avoid politics, religion and hate-speech. – S.H
- No eating while braaing. – Kaydee
- Don’t arrive hungry to the braai. – Simphiwe
- Don’t bring additional people unless approved by the braaimaster. – Malarie
- Never take your eyes off the meat. – Reka
- Don’t braai on a dirty braai, make sure you clean it thoroughly with an onion. – Bonga
Wishing all of our customers a Happy Heritage Day. #Here’sToHome