After two years of building stronger communities with MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet, Builders bids farewell to the partnership effective from 31 May 2022. During the relationship period, Builders paid R2 to My School My Village My Planet every time customers swiped their Builders card or purchased online.
“As we reflect on our partnership with MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet, we would like to thank all our customers for being part of this incredible journey and providing hope to many South African children, as well as the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet team for being a pipeline which we were able to serve our communities from,” said Yasmin van den Hoven, Customer Experience Manager at Builders.
A total amount of R6.2 Million has been raised (from the beginning of the relationship to March 2022) and donated to various underdeveloped communities with the aim to provide them access to basic resources and infrastructure that is safe for learning. Learners were able to enjoy newly revamped builds within their schools, equipping teachers and classrooms and training teachers across South Africa.
Projects executed during the partnership period include:
- Built two classrooms to accommodate 66 Grade R learners, including storage and veranda in Zilungisele Primary School in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
- Equipped women to run 5-star early learning centres that provide quality education while running sustainable businesses.
- Provided 74 classrooms with teaching consumables across 45 early childhood development centres in Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal.
- Sponsored 60 early learner-teacher training and in-class mentorship in Educare Centres in Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal.
- Assisted the Christel House School in Western Cape with the construction of three new classrooms to accommodate over 60 grade R learners with modern ICT and furniture.
- Support three early childhood and development centres in the Eastern Cape and the outskirts of KZN with 3 new classrooms, office, kitchen, toilets, water tanks, handwashing stations as well as educational resources.
Builders would like to thank all their customers for being a part of the journey, and we encourage their continued support of My School My Village My Planet to serve and build stronger communities by creating safer learning spaces across South Africa.