Duram Flexiwall is an all-weather protection, smooth matt paint for exterior walls and trims, with an eight-year guarantee.

Flexiwall is water, weather and UV resistant. It has excellent obliteration and is both durable and washable. It is low splatter and easily applied with a brush, roller or used as a spray.
The water-based formulation is low odour and low VOC allowing easy water clean-up.
Flexiwall is available in nine beautiful standard colours, including white and can be tinted to any Duram colour of your choice.
Why choose a matt paint? A matt finish diffuses light and is the least reflective paint resulting in a smooth, flawless appearance. It creates warmth and contrasting surfaces, enhances colour depth and reduces sheen, as well as glare from artificial light.
Get to your nearest Builders store or visit us on www.builders.co.za to shop the range.