This cute and stylish feeder is made using an empty yoghurt carton, old sucker sticks and a chopstick.
- Tetra Pak (such as a yoghurt carton) with a pitched top
- Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch
- 2x spray paint
- Ice cream sticks or tongue depressants
- Chopstick
- String

Step 1
Clean the Tetra Pak inside, and then spray paint it with two coats of Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch 2x.

Step 2
Cut the ice cream sticks in half using a craft knife.

Step 3
Use the hot glue to stick the ice cream sticks to the ‘roof’ of your house.

Step 4
Draw an arched door on two opposite sides.

Step 5
Carefully cut out the doors with a craft knife.

Step 6
Use a craft knife to cut small crosses just below the arched doorways.

Step 7
Insert a chopstick through the crosses.

Step 8
Use your hole punch to make a hole in the top of the Tetra Pak, then thread the string through the hole and secure it with a double knot.

Step 9
Fill your garden friends’ new house with birdseed and hang in a tree or on the patio sheltered from the wind.