Create a cheerful chill-out zone using some basic materials and without spending a fortune!
- Measuring tape
- Pencil
- Combination square
- Jigsaw
- G-clamps
- Drill with countersink bit
- Screwdriver
- Paintbrush
- 4 pine battens 44 x 44 x 1 800 mm
- 6 cement blocks 190
- 4 x 60 mm chipboard screws (pack of 25 Leftover enamel paint)
- Leftover varnish

Step 1
On two of the battens, measure 132 cm lengths and cut with the jigsaw.

Step 2
Cut the offcut pieces in half; you should have four 24 cm lengths.

Step 3
Place the two uncut battens parallel to each other about 18 cm apart. Position the two shorter ones (132 cm) in between; the longer ones should stick out by 24 cm on both sides. Position the four shortest battens equally spaced on top at right angles.

Step 4
When you’re happy all the battens are lined up correctly, drill countersink holes and attach all the battens with screws.

Step 5
Paint the wood with two coats of varnish. Let the varnish dry between coats.

Step 6
Paint the cement blocks with enamel paint.

Step 7
Stack three cement blocks together to form the sides of the bench. We packed the bottom two vertically next to each other, with the third one horizontally on top. Make two sides 135 cm apart. Insert the bench seat into the holes of the top block.
Now your DIY is complete. This DIY is quick, easy and convenient for your Pool and Patio area or your garden and outdoor area.
Referenced from Gallo images / YOU Magazine