Builders have everything you need to make this simple, stunning, curvy bench that will not only enhance your garden but also be a talking point among your friends.
- Tape measure
- cordless drill and drill bits
- jig-saw
- putty knife
- pencil
- spade
- paint brush
- chalk line powder
- sandpaper
Materials you will need
- 56 x meranti slats (400 x 96 x 22mm)
- 5 x meranti slats for the framework and cross-section (2400 x 69 x 22mm)
- 7 x CCA treated poles (600mm long; 100-175mm diameter)
- 1 x tub meranti wood filler
- 200 x full thread cut screws (4 x 35mm)
- 14 x full thread cut screws (4 x 60mm)
- 1 x bag stone
- 1 x bag cement
- 1 x bag river sand
- 2 litres Woodoc 30 Exterior Polywax Sealer

Step 1
Set out the slats on a flat surface until you get the desired shape. As you go around the curve every second slat will need to be tapered on both sides to a point approximately 20mm wide. Decide how many slats need to be tapered and cut them to size with a jig saw. Set them into place.

Step 2
Cut the framework pieces into metre lengths. Place these cut pieces on top of the slats. Theses lengths will provide the support for the seating slats. Once laid out along the length of the seating slats mark and cut the framework pieces to form two continuous lengths, leaving an overhang of approximately 50mm for the seating slats.

Step 3
Once cut, join the slats together using 35mm screws.

Step 4
Fix the seating slats to the framework. Ensure that a 5-10mm gap is left between the seating slats.

Step 5
Using the off cuts of the 2400mm slats, cut two slats (400mm) and place at either end of the framework, also ensuring an overhang of 50mm. Attach by screwing to the framework.

Step 6
Place a pole next to each cross-section slat and affix the pole to the slat using the 60mm screws.

Step 7
Mark the area for the poles around the tree. Dig holes 200mm deep. Position the bench in the holes and fill them with a mortar mixture using 4 parts of stone, 2 parts of sand and 1 part of cement.

Step 8
Fill any holes in the bench with meranti filler and sand it to remove any sharp edges.

Step 9
Apply three coats of Woodoc 30 Exterior Polywax Sealer to the bench, allowing for drying time between each coat.
Top Tip: To mark the area where the poles are to be dug, place the bench in place and mark around each pole with chalk line powder, flour or sand. Remove the bench and dig the holes.
Referenced from Gallo images /