In this DIY, Andrew Donkin shows you how to sdd a rustic wooden headboard to your bed and transform any bedroom.

- Cordless drill
- Orbital sander
- Clamps
- Paintbrush
- A sheet of 12mm plywood
- 4mm x 35mm cut screws
- Wood glue
- Wood stain and sealer
Cutting List
(these measurement are for a headboard for a double bed – adjust accordingly for other bed sizes)
- (6) 1420 x 160mm
- (2) 1500 x 80mm
- (1) 1000 x 80mm

Step 1
Decide which side of the wood you want to be visible and place that side of all six of the 1420mm planks face down on the work surface.

Step 2
Use a tape measure (or wood offcuts, as spacers) to create the desired space between your planks.

Step 3
Once you have the planks in position, use a pencil to mark out where you will be attaching the legs, approximately 200mm in from each side.

Step 4
Apply wood glue inside the markings, so that it won’t be visible on the final product.

Step 5
Once the wood glue is in place, put the legs back into position and screw in a smooth-shank cut screw to ensure a secure bond and to avoid any gaps between the two surfaces. Repeat the process for the second leg.
Top Tip: Fasten the top and bottom planks to the legs first, to make the headboard more secure when attaching the middle planks.

Step 6
Once both legs are attached to all six planks, attach a third plank in the middle of the headboard to make the construction sturdier and to prevent bowing.

Step 7
Now that the structure is complete, sand the headboard to smooth any rough edges.

Step 8
Stain the headboard and seal it to avoid any damage to the wood. Remember to apply at least two coats of each, allowing each coat to dry in between applications.