Dad’s dilapidated old storeroom now provides the perfect setting for his little girl’s play activities.

Paint pots
Paint terracotta pots with Harlequin’s Gardeners Pot Paint in the colour Night Fall and apply a strip of copper leaf around the base. The metal pot stand was sanded and painted with Hammerite White.

The exterior
Once the exterior of the shed had been sanded, the surface was prepped with a coat of Dulux Supergrip and painted with Dulux Pearlglo.After two coats of clear Dulux Woodgard Timbavarnish were applied to provide protection against the elements, the old chair once again took a prime position next to the front door.
Great Idea: For a dipped effect on a basket, simply paint the bottom third with two coats of white Dulux Pearlglo.
Referenced from Gallo images / Home Magazine