Why waste grey water from your home when you can use it to water your garden?

- PVC weld
- hacksaw
- 40mm lever tap
- 40mm PVC pipe
- 40mm union
- 40mm Tee
- pool pipe connector
- pool pipes
- tape measure
- pencil

Step 1
Cut a short length of pipe and join the tap and Tee, using PVC weld to glue it firmly.

Step 2
Connect the union to the tap using another short piece of pipe and PVC weld.

Step 3
Measure and mark your downpipe, taking into account that the fittings will slip into each other, so you need to subtract the corresponding measurement from the overall.

Step 4
Cut the downpipe using a hacksaw

Step 5
Attach the Tee to the top of the downpipe. Fix with PVC weld.

Step 6
Connect the bottom section of the downpipe to the union and fix with PVC weld.

Step 7
Slip the hose connector into the end of the pool hose.

Step 8
Attach the hose to the Tee. Now you’re ready to channel your grey water to the appropriate plants in your garden.
Top Tip: Measure twice, cut once.