Just as summer bodies are built in winter, summer gardens are prepared for in winter.
Luckily for our gardening community, most of South Africa experiences clear days and sunshine at this time of year. Sure it is cold out, but spending time in the garden will warm you up for sure! Keep up with the following gardening activities to prepare your outdoor space for a flourishing season of sunshine come December.
As winter approaches, the garden requires extra special attention so it is prepared for the shift in temperatures and rainfall levels. Focusing on your soil’s health and general condition is a great place to start.
- Turn the soil in your garden beds to a depth of about 30 cm using a garden fork or shovel.
- If the soil is crumbly and dry, mix in some quality compost. (If yourcompost heap is ready, now’s the time to make use of it.)
- To ensure your new plants grow healthy and strong, apply Wonder Plant Starter All Purpose and mix in Wonder Waterwise Crystals
for moisture retention. Continue reading on page 8 for a lesson in gardening with Wonder Waterwise Crystals. - Lastly, remember to apply mulch to the soil after planting.

Get your flower beds in shape for the upcoming chilly season by prioritising these activities.
- Move delicate plants in containers to sheltered areas around the house to protect them from cold temperatures
- Prune summer-flowering shrubs, trees, perennials, and bulbs that have finished flowering.
- Lift and divide flowering perennials that have finished blooming.
- Lift dahlia and gladiolus bulbs and store them in a dry, dark place over winter.
- Feed herbs and winter greens with Wonder Plant Booster All Purpose or Wonder Organic Vita-Boost.
- Plant winter rose bushes. See the guide
It’s your last chance to apply Wonder Lawn & Leaf. This economical, fast acting solution that provides a release of nitrogen for lawns, evergreen plants and shrubs.
Referenced from Efekto, Greenfingers: Winter Gardening Guide