Indoor plants can bring life to any space, but keeping them healthy requires some basic knowledge. Light, water and soil! That’s the checklist for easy indoor plant care.

Indoor Plant Perfection

Light is crucial for indoor plants, but it’s important to get the light levels just right. While most plants love natural light, direct sunlight can be too harsh and lead to scorched leaves. The best spot for your plants is near a window where they can soak up dappled light without being exposed to intense direct sun.

If you notice your plant looking a bit dull or its growth slowing down, it might be craving more light. Try moving it to a brighter location and also remember to rotate your plants occasionally to promote even growth. Be mindful of avoiding areas with drafts or air conditioners, as these can stress your plants.

Perfect pot for your garden

When it comes to watering, the key is balance. Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes and leads to root rot, while underwatering can cause your plant to wither. The best way to check if your plant needs water is to feel the top layer of soil with your finger. If it feels dry, it’s time to water.

Always remove your plant from its pot cover before watering or feeding with a water-soluble fertiliser. This step is crucial because it prevents excess water from collecting at the bottom, which can lead to root rot. After watering, allow the plant to drain thoroughly before placing it back in its cover.

Fired Earth Pot Paint
Soil quality is just as important as light and water. A well-draining soil mix, enhanced with perlite and vermiculite, is ideal for most indoor plants. Perlite enhances aeration, ensuring that air circulates around the roots, while vermiculite helps retain moisture without causing the soil to become waterlogged. This combination supports healthy root development and ensures your plants can absorb the nutrients they need.

As your plants grow, they may outgrow their current pots. Repotting them into larger containers with fresh soil will give them the space they need to continue thriving. Feeding your plants in spring and summer with a balanced fertiliser will also give them a healthy boost.

Indoor Plant Perfection

The finishing touch: stylish pot covers

With your plants thriving, why not complete their look with stylish pot covers? Unlike regular pots, these covers don’t have drainage holes, so they’re not for planting directly into. Instead, they’re ornamental, designed to slip over your plant’s existing pot.

Pot covers come in a variety of styles, from sleek modern designs to vibrant patterns, allowing you to match them to your room’s décor. They’re not just for show, though. Pot covers can also help balance your plants, making it easy to swap them out as needed. This means you can replace seasonal blooms with fresh plants, keeping your space looking trendy all year round.

Indoor Plant Perfection
When selecting a pot cover, make sure it’s the right size. If the plastic pot is peeking out, it’s time to replace the cover. Mixing plants of different heights, leaf shapes, sizes and colours can add visual interest to your space, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Just remember to choose plants that suit the size of your room so that everything stays in balance.

From brightening up a kitchen to adding flair to a bedroom, pot covers are a simple yet effective way to tie any room’s theme together, all while keeping your indoor plants looking their best. Builders has everything from pot covers to indoor plants and gardening goodies, available both in-store and online at

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