Make this attractive pebbled doormat in a few easy steps.
- Scissors
- Paintbrush
- Pebbles
- Rubber net (300 x 1 000 mm)
- Contact adhesive (500 ml)

Step 1
Decide how big you’d like your mat to be. Ours is 45 x 30 cm. Pack the pebbles out on your work surface to this size.

Step 2
Place the rubber net over the pebbles and use the scissors to cut it to size.

Step 3
Remove the net and paint the pebbles with contact adhesive.

Step 4
Place the rubber net on plastic and paint it with contact adhesive. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes.

Step 5
Place the net with the adhesive side on top of the pebbles and firmly push it down.

Step 6
Once the adhesive has dried and the stones are firmly stuck down, use the scissor to trim the net around the outer pebbles. Turn over and place in position.

Referenced from Gallo images / YOU Magazine