Feeling adventurous? Use old books to create an unusual focal wall.
- old books
- Mod Podge (available at craft shops and hardware stores)
- painter’s tray or plastic container for the Mod Podge
- 38mm paintbrush
- ponge roller and painter’s tray
- stepladder

Step 1
Remove enough pages from the books to cover your wall. Don’t lay them out perfectly – a bit of a haphazard look will add character; using pages in different sizes is also a good idea.

Step 2
Start at the top left corner. Brush the Mod Podge onto the back of the first page and stick it in place. Wipe the page with a dry cloth to get rid of any bubbles and wrinkles. Place the next page to the right of the first, overlapping slightly. Do the same for successive rows (or glue them randomly) until the entire wall is covered.

Step 3
Allow everything to dry thoroughly – preferably overnight. Now use the Mod Podge again, this time as varnish, and apply two or three coats on the wall with the sponge roller. This will seal and protect the wall against dirt and scratches.
Referenced from Gallo images / Home Magazine