What’s happening in the veggie garden?
Brassicas, beets and Brussels sprouts, to name but a few winter highlights!
- Broad beans
- Beetroot
- Broccoli
- Cabbages
- Cauliflowers
- Celery
- Garlic
- Lettuces
- Radishes
- Rocket
- Onions
- Spinach
- Coriander
- Parsley
- Beetroot
- Cabbages
- Celery
- Horseradish
- Kale
- Leeks
- Winter Lettuces
- Parsnips
- Brussels sprouts

Winter diseases
These types of garden pests sneak in when you least expect them, as they can be transported via a host or a vector – usuallv insects. Viral and fungal pathogens can cause about 85% of plant problems, living
undercover in soil and plants.
Efekto Virikop is a wettable powder fungicide and bactericide with protective properties designed to control certain diseases on fruit, vegetables, flowers and garden plants. Efekto Virikop can be used as a seedbed treatment for cases of seedling blight and other soil-borne diseases.
Get one step ahead and protect your winter vegetables against diseases such as:
Cucurbits – downy mildew
Potatoes – early and late blight
Beans – bacterial blight
Crucifers – bacterial spot
Use Efekto Malasol for the outdoor home garden on select fruits, vegetables, and other plant pests including:
- Aphids
- Scale
- Thrips
- Bryobia mites
- Caterpillars

Referenced from Efekto, Greenfingers: Winter Gardening Guide